The Call is Answered!

I am thrilled to announce that submissions for my forthcoming Urban Cthulhu: Nightmare Cities are already showing up in my Inbox. That’s wonderful!

So far only one has received a definite acceptance… And truth be told, that one was received a little while before the official call for submissions, thanks to the e-jungle drums… But now I want to share the good news with you all. Perhaps it can even inspire more writers to submit their gruesome tale set in the harsh shadows of the cityscape.

Joseph Pulver, Sr.’s short story “the guilt of each… at the end…” is a brilliant piece of truly urban horror. With a dash of the Lovecraftian, a touch of pulp and, of course, the ever-present yellow madness;-) I am proud and honored to say this disturbing tale is the first that has been accepted for this collection. A sign that we’re talking high quality stories already. A good sign for things to come.

Pulver doesn’t need much introduction, of course, since he has already carved himself a well-deserved place in the annals of modern-day weird tales. He is among the best, not to mention a nice, charming guy. In any case, you can read his blog here: (I will put a permanent link on my blog when I get around to updating the links. Promise). You can find his critically acclaimed collections, Sin and Ashes and Blood Will Have Its Season on Amazon (of course) or you can decide to go straight to the site of these two collections’ wonderful publisher and buy the goods, if for some reason you have not done so already: . A site where you can also find a lot of other great, great books pertaining to the Lovecraftian, btw. I’d say that after the demise of Necronomicon Press (and, before then, Arkham House, which is not at the strength it once was, unfortunately), Hippocampus Press is the Lovecraftian publisher of ’em all.

Want to join the ride? Go ahead and submit a story–yours might be the next I am looking for:

(Just so you know it: As much as I’d love to, these days I cannot respond as fast as I did with Mr. Pulver’s tale, so expect neither acceptance nor rejection before the Deadline has been reached. I am too swamped to do so, unfortunately. I’ll respond as soon as I possibly can.)

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