Announcement: URBAN CTHULHU stories found

I know you have been waiting, holding your breath — close to dying — wanting to find out what stories and authors you can find in Volume 2 of my Series, Urban Cthulhu: Nightmare Cities. Well, rest at ease at long last, my shadow friends on the web. The final decisions have been made, and here are the tales you will find:


  • “the guilt of each… at the end…” by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
  • “Dancer of the Dying” by Jayaprakash Satyamurthy
  • “The Neighbors Upstairs” by John Goodrich
  • “Carcosapunk” by Glynn Owen Barrass
  • “Architect Eyes” by Thomas Strømsholt
  • “Slou” by Robert Tangiers
  • “Ozeelah’s Lake” by Morten Carlsen
  • “The Statement of Frank Elwood” by Pete Rawlik
  • “Night Life” by Henrik Sandbeck Harksen
  • (I expect a couple of more confirmations, but will reserve the mentioning of those stories till I’ve heard from the authors;-))

I am really, really impressed by this collection. In all modesty (or not) I think this will truly be a fine addition to the Cthulhu Mythos & Lovecraftian publications that sprawl the world. And any interested reader will find tales that reveal a new, hitherto unexamined corner of this genre — the urban Cthulhu area. (And yes, the .com site will be updated with this information, but it will take a few days longer.)

A deeply felt thank you to all contributors.

Tomorrow: Revealing the stories to the Danish Dystre Danmark 2. In Danish;-)

11 thoughts on “Announcement: URBAN CTHULHU stories found

  1. CONGRATS to the authors on the ToC! !! Looking forward to Henrikus’ dark tome and reading these unspeakable tales of urban shadows tainted by eldritch insanity!! !

    I’m lucky enough to have many of the tomes w/ the HHP imprint [Thanks, Henrik!], all are very nice looking tomes! !! I’ll be spreading the word! !!

  2. Thank you very much, Gentlemen. I agree, it is a fine list of contributors. And believe me when I say that the stories live up to it. I feel so honored that so many amazingly talented writers have heeded the Urban Call from my small corner in the darkness of infinity and agreed to help me transform an idea to a real tome with dark gems.

    @John: You have no idea how proud I am to see my name alongside such writers! I only hope my story can bear it, and it doesn’t fail altogether… (I suppose a little “stage fright” plays a role here as well, since I have not published a story since “The Bibliophile.”)

    @Joe: You’re more than welcome. I hope you like ye tomes from Frosty Denmark!

  3. Sheeeeeeesh, Henrik! I’ve having to restock candles for my candalabras, a blanket to hide under, and starstones for around the house…although I’ve got it on good authority that starstones really don’t work…I’m going to find out!

  4. Pingback: I am horrifying (and honoured) - Page 2 - Science Fiction Fantasy Chronicles: forums

  5. Pingback: She Never Slept Interviews the Formidable Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. | She Never Slept

  6. Pingback: The Future: 2012 Books… Planned… « Harksen's Blog of the Unspeakable

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